The Key Reasons Why Should You Attend College or University

attend college

So, you’re about to finish your high school journey.

Now you wonder what you should do next – to get a job or seek the right college or university.

The reality is that there are loads of perks to attending college.

That is why, if you wonder why going to college with all those research papers, essays, extracurriculars, and exams is a good idea, be sure to take a look at some of the main reasons listed below.

1. More Opportunities in the Workforce

Imagine that you would like to work for a multimillion-dollar corporation.

You’re applying for this position as a high school student while your opponent is applying for it is a college graduate.

Needless to say the employer would choose a candidate with a college education background.

In other words, the resume of a person who attended college or university is always more attractive than that of someone who attended high school only.

The truth is that employers tend to associate a lot of positive characteristics with candidates who are college graduates.

Not only are they hard-working, but persistent, smart and capable of dealing with any task under time pressure.

Today’s employers know how many term papers, essays and assignments students have to accomplish. They know what projects require more effort and utilise sites like Speedypaper to help when they get stuck.

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Needless to say that with a college education background, your reputation as a potential employee never looks cheap.

2. Enhanced Social Skills

When in high school, you have an opportunity to learn many things about yourself.

If one of the things that you learn about yourself is that you have some kind of social anxiety, then you should definitely go to college.

According to the reports provided by the mental health authorities, one of the best ways to combat social anxiety is through socializing.

When in college or university, you will definitely meet a lot of people.

This is wonderful when it comes to beating social anxiety.

Just write a message, make small talk, get together with your college fellows to have lunch, and join a writing club to become a better writer – you’re welcome to choose any method to beat anxiety.

3. Meeting Your Future Significant Other

A lot of yesterday’s students report attending the same college or university as their respective spouses.

When it comes to the large campuses, you do have better chances of meeting the love of your life there.

It’s no doubt that your priority in college should be earning your diploma and polishing up your knowledge.

However, it’s totally fine if you pay attention to your fellow students and look for your future spouse in the process.

The reality is that you’re more likely to meet someone to become your significant other in college than in high school.

When in college, you’re an adult already, which means you’re more serious about the things like dating, building a professional career, and even settling down.

After all, it is easier to find someone with the same interests when you’re in college, where everyone attends the same classes, joins the same clubs, and enjoys the same extracurriculars.

4. Enjoy Health Insurance Benefits

College and university graduates are more likely to work for corporations that provide their employees with a range of benefits associated with health insurance.

According to the study performed by College Board, 64% of graduates had an opportunity to enjoy the whole range of advantages of having health insurance sponsored by their employers.

At the same time, college grads also have a chance to benefit from the things like stock options, retirement plans, sick days, and so on.

5. Boost Your Professional Network

When it comes to the field of business, the reality is that your network saves the day.

To cut the long story, the people you know can help you succeed in your professional career, including impacting your income.

If you choose to attend college, you also have an opportunity to boost your network.

You meet a lot of people not only in the chosen niche but in the other fields of study as well.

Besides, your tutors can write the so-called recommendation letters that will 100% help you get recruited.

At the same time, your fellow students can help you learn more about the recruiting sessions that are hosted on campus.

Keep in mind that an alumni network of a university or college is also helpful.

A lot of institutions provide alumni that students can approach when looking for a job.

Do not hesitate to approach some other graduates from your alma mater on Facebook, LinkedIn, or any other website.

6. Expand Your Horizons

In college or university, students have a chance to meet loads of people not only from their hometown but from all over the globe.

College is one of the unique opportunities that people have in their lives to learn something new about the world around them.

You get to meet people who are different from you, boost your knowledge in a range of fields, as well as deal with different viewpoints and perspectives.

Depending on the course that you choose, you may also have a chance to travel overseas as part of the academic program.

Meet new people, explore other lands, learn a new language, and see how big and wonderful the globe actually is.